The latest threading module comprised with Python 2.4 provides much more powerful, high-level hold for threads than the old thread module.
The threading module depictions all the methods of the thread module and gives some additional methods:
• threading.activeCount(): Returns a number of thread objects that are in active mode .
• threading.currentThread(): Returns a number of thread objects in the caller''s thread control.
• threading.enumerate(): Returns a list of every thread objects that are at present active.
In addition to the methods, the threading module contains the Thread class that implements threading. The methods offered by the Thread class are in this way:
• run(): The run() method is the entrance point for a thread.
• start(): The start() method initiates a thread by calling the run method.
• getName(): The getName() method gives the name of a thread.
• setName(): The setName() method puts the name of a thread.
• join([time]): The join() waits for threads to finish.
• isAlive(): The isAlive() method ensures whether a thread is still executing