Final Project- needs only 4 pages
The last items your research project needs is an Executive Summary, importantly a Conclusions sections from the research along with a Recommendations section for the company management.
Proofread your paper for final submission, changing items as needed for a professional presentation. Prepare a management report to present to the company.
The paper should be between 15 - 20 pages, not including your title page and reference page. Assemble your report in this order (already completed items are shown in parenthesis from the corresponding week you completed them):
*Items with a star need to be created
- Title Page (week 1)
- Executive Summary *
- Table of Contents (week 6)
- Introduction (week 1)
- Problem Statement (week 1)
- Research Objectives (week 1)
- Background Material (week 3)
- Sampling Design (week 4)
- Research Design (week 2)
- Data Analysis (week 5)
- Limitations (week 3)
- Findings (week 5)*
- Conclusions (week 6)*
- Recommendations (week 6)*
- References (week 2)