
The journal providing a reflection of your overall

This work about (a final reflection) - this is a reflection of my total experience :


include the following information :

The journal providing a reflection of your overall experience and how this experience will influence you as a teacher in the future?

Consider the knowledge you have gained from class and weave it together with your field-based experiences to describe changes or confirmations regarding how you will approach and support students with disabilities as students in your classroom and as an advocate in your school to help other teachers with disabilities learn from you.

• your impression of the benefits of the placement for the students with exceptionalities and their non-disabled peers,

• social interaction and friendship you observe between the students with exceptionalities and their non-disabled peers,

• how the students with exceptionalities are accessing the general curriculum according to their Individualized Education Plan

• the most significant thing you learned from one of your students with exceptionalities on that day (the more detailed the example the better), and

• Additionally, include how you felt prior to your observation hours (apprehensions, fears, etc.) and how those changed over the course of your 20 hours (misconceptions, enlightened, etc.)

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Dissertation: The journal providing a reflection of your overall
Reference No:- TGS02724582

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