The Journal of Quantitative Criminology (Vol. 8,1992) published a paper on the determinants of area property crime levels in the United Kingdom. Several multiple regression models for property crime prevalence, y, measured as the percentage of residents in a geographical area who were victims of at least one property crime, were examined. The results for one of the models, based on a sample of n = 313 responses collected for the British Crime Survey, are shown in the table below. [Note: All variables except Density are expressed as a percentage of the base area.
a. Test the hypothesis that the density (x1) of a region is positively linearly related to crime prevalence (y), holding the other independent variables constant.
b. Do you advise conducting t-tests on each of the 18 independent variables in the model to determine?

which variables are important predictors of crime prevalence? Explain
c. The model yielded R2 = .411. Use this information to conduct a test of the global utility of the model. Use α = .05