1. Calculate the total factored loadon the roof of a single floor office building in Leduc, Alberta. The roof will beconstructed with:
a. 4-Ply Felt and GravelRoofing
b. 75mm StyrofoamInsulation
c. 16 Gauge Corrugated SteelDecking
2. The roof in the previous questionwill be supported by “Open Web Steel Joists” spacedat 1200mm O.C. The span of the joistsis 10.0m. Calculate the uniform load on the joists. Also draw the shear and momentdiagrams for the joists if they are considered to be simply supported. Ensure to labelimportant values on the diagrams.
3. The joists from the previousquestion are supported by concrete beams that are 300mm wide by 500mm deep. The concretebeams span 8.4m. Assume the beam is also simply supported. The weight of the joistis 1.04 KN/m. Calculate the loads on the beam. Also draw the shear and moment diagrams,ensuring to label important values on the diagram.
4. The beams are supported byconcrete columns. Calculate the total factored axial load the columns must resist.
5. Calculate the wind pressure on a4-storey building in Lethbridge, Alberta. Given Cp=1.3.