
The job design that is most beneficial to an organization

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The job design most likely to be used in the future is idiosyncratic deals. It is a middle ground for top-down and bottom-up methods. Idiosyncratic deals are employee bargaining conditions of their needs and values when employed. It is beneficial for employees due to the flexibility, developmental needs, and task related matters I-deals offer. In doing so, employee engagement, satisfaction, productivity, and customer satisfaction increases. Also, it ties into less stress and more opportunities to perform significant work, thus leading to higher levels of employee engagement.

The job design that is most beneficial to an organization would be the job characteristics model. The reason is due to it being intrinsically motivating. In other words, being self-motivating, rather than being dependent on incentives such as pay or complements. The company saves time and money that way. The five core characteristics that add work meaning are skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback. Employers use this model to increase employee job satisfaction, intrinsic motivation, job involvement, and quality of performance.

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Business Management: The job design that is most beneficial to an organization
Reference No:- TGS02471733

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