The Ion Channels of Influenza A Virus --
A. Admit Protons from the Endosome into the Interior of the Virus,weakening the Interactions of RNA and NP, which allows theuncoated RNA Segments to be released into the Cytoplasm.
B. Admit Protons from the Endosome into the Interior of the Virus,weakening the Interactions of M1 and NP, which allows theNucleocapsids to be released into the Cytoplasm.
C. Expose the Fusion-Promoting Region of Hemagglutinin, whichallows the Fusion of the Virus Envelope and Respiratory Cell
Endosome Membrane.
D. Expose the Fusion-Promoting Region of Hemagglutinin, whichallows the Fusion of the Virus Envelope and Respiratory
Cell Membrane.