
The introduction section of your research proposal is the

Question: Step One: 5 peer reviewed articles on:

Nature and Treatment of Comorbid Alcohol Problems and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among American Military Personnel and Veterans

Step Two: Complete the first introduction for the paper.


The introduction section of your research proposal is the first portion of the final research Proposal Paper. The research proposal introduction muststem naturally from the topic selection assignment that was completed in Module/Week 1. Once you finalizethe topic selection, the introduction mustbe drafted using the bibliography as a starting point. The introduction mustbe no more than 2 pagesand mustinclude at least5 citations and references from peer-reviewed literaturein current APA format.The purpose of the introduction is to make a compelling case for the study (i.e., the research topic/question that you are proposing). Each assertion must be supported by a citation.Statistics and other data mustbe provided to make a compelling case for the significance of the problem. In addition, relevance to the counseling fieldmustbe established, and the introduction mustinclude an articulation of how the proposed study fills a gap in the peer-reviewed literature. The introduction portion of your research proposal must explain the following:

• What is the problem statement (gap identified in the literature) this research addresses? This must be stated clearly.

• What is the purpose of the research proposal (how this study fills the gap)? This must be stated clearly.

• What is (are) the research question(s)?

• What is the researcher's hypothesis?

• What is the null hypothesis?

• Why is this research question important? Include statistics to quantify the importance/need related to the topic.

• How will this research investigation contribute to the field of counseling?

This assignment will be submitted via Blackboard and LiveText.


An annotated bibliography is a list of sources that includes current APA-formatted references to the peer-reviewed articles that you have compiled for a research assignment (all articlesmust be found through theJerry Falwell Libraryor Google Scholar). A brief description, summary, and evaluation of the source must followeach reference. The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to provide the content, relevance, and quality of the sources. Each annotation must be less than 1 page.

You will provide an Annotated Bibliography of 5 peer-reviewed references that correlate with your Proposal Paper. This must be in current APA format with a cover f, abstract, and references. (See the APA Owl Purdue Guide for a quick reference on APA).Each reference must include a summary, analysis, and reflection. Do not include books, book reviews, dissertations, websites, blogs, etc. At least 2 of the 5articles must have been published in the past 5 years (older articles may be added, but not included as the primary 5 required for the assignment).

You must include the following for each reference in yourannotated bibliography:

• A brief description and summary of the article:Include the population,sampling method,at least one assessment instrument used, research question (at least 1),andresearch design.(For example: Harrichand and Knight used a convenience sample of graduate students, they surveyed the students using the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form (TEIQue-SF) and the Counselor Burnout Inventory (CBI), their research design was correlational.)

• An evaluation of the source in light of your topic:Indicate how the information is relevant to your research. (For example: This research illustrates that as trait-based emotional intelligence increases, counselor burnout decreases; this helps to make a case for the development of an emotional intelligence training program).

• Answers to the following key prompts:

1. Who is the author and how are they qualified (for first credited author only)? (For example: Dr. Gary Sibcy is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Director of the PhD program at Liberty University; he is an Associate Professor of Counseling and sees clients at Piedmont Psychiatric.)

2. Critique at least 1 assessment used:How is the assessment psychometrically sound? (For example: The TEIQue-SF was used and the reliability was established via the test-retest procedure and was R=.89 which is considered...)

3. Include a brief discussion of implications: Discussion in terms of how this article is relevant to establishing a need for your emerging research question/research study. (For example: Harrichand, Knight & Captari (2017) indicate that emotional intelligence trainings should be developed and assessed to see if participation can help increase Emotional intelligence (EI) and decrease counselor burnout. Thus my research question is examining whether counseling students EI increases after participation)

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