The intevention mapping modelsimagine that you are a health

In this week Discussion you will examine how three major model are used to develop intervention programs.The three model are the PRECEDE-PROCEDC,intevention mapping and mobilizing for planning and parthership(MAPP)Models.

Group C The intevention mapping models.imagine that you are a health educator or other health profeeionals that is planning a prevention programs that relates to the Healthy People assigned focus area. mind is global health.

Your goal is to develop a program that reduces the incidences of the disease and decrease the risk factors associated with the disease.Review the literature (e.g weekly reading articles from the library,credible websites . etc.)to discover how other organization have developed programs related to this particular Healthy People assigned focus area. mind is global health.

Have they used a planning model in their program design?If so, which model?. post your responses to the discussion based on the course requirements.

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Science: The intevention mapping modelsimagine that you are a health
Reference No:- TGS01031072

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