
the international auditing and assurance

The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) is an independent standard-setting body that serves the public interest by setting high-quality international standards for auditing, assurance, and other related standards, and by facilitating the convergence of international and national auditing and assurance standards. In doing so, the IAASB enhances the quality and consistency of practice throughout the world and strengthens public confidence in the global auditing and assurance profession

This is the history of IAASB which i would appreciate if you could help me to summarize. The assgnment is to write a one page summary of the development and status of the IAASBand its international statementson aduting standardsaround the world. Below is the brief history of IAASB

The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) was founded in March 1978. It was previously known as the International Auditing Practices Committee (IAPC).

The IAPC's initial work focused on three areas: object and scope of audits of financial statements, engagement letters, and general auditing guidelines. In 1991, the IAPC's guidelines were recodified as International Standards on Auditing (ISAs).

In 2001, a comprehensive review of the IAPC was undertaken, and in 2002, the IAPC was reconstituted as the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). In 2003, IFAC approved a series of reforms designed, among other things, to further strengthen its standard-setting processes, including those of the IAASB, so that they are responsive to the public interest.

In 2004, the IAASB began the Clarity Project, a comprehensive program to enhance the clarity of its ISAs. This program involved the application of new conventions to all ISAs, either as part of a substantive revision or through a limited redrafting to reflect the new conventions and matters of clarity generally


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Auditing: the international auditing and assurance
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