
The institute of medicine iom report to err is human

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report "To Err is Human" compared the daily number of patients victim to medical errors as the equivalent of a jetliner crashing. This alarming comparison, help push the prevention of medical errors and the concept of quality to the forefront; while the number of malpractice lawsuits continues to rise. Based on your interpretation of week eight assigned reading(s), in 250 words share your position on whether or not, a limit should be placed on malpractice awards? In addition, explain how, a medical malpractice suit serve as an opportunity to learn, grow and move forward in hopes of another occurrence. Once your material is posted, be sure to review and comment on at least two of your peers postings. Your initial post to the given topic of discussion should contain a minimum of 2–3 peer-reviewed references.

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