
The informative abstract should be an overview of your full

The informative abstract should be an overview of your full project.

The informative abstract must:

  • Identify the need(s) or issue(s) that prompted the report,
  • Describe the research methods used,
  • Review the main findings (data gathered from your questionnaire and review of literature), and
  • Condense the conclusions and recommendations.

This issue this abstract should be about is cyber bullying and ways we can help those who become victims. Also, about what further steps need to be taken to help those who are bullied. The questionnaire showed most of the participants have been bullied from either online or in person but see more of the cyber bullying taking place. It also revealed many keep the bullying to themselves for fear that others knowingly getting involved will make it worse.

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Dissertation: The informative abstract should be an overview of your full
Reference No:- TGS02462992

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