Question: Can someone revise this and make it sound professional and also put in a conclusion paragraph at the end.
The Information Technology (IT) department of New Standard is an important section of the corporation for it to run efficiently. The IT department consists of 4 employees, one of which oversees the IT and Human Resources department, Bob Fletcher. IT has an impact in all functional areas of the corporation ranging from the shop floor to the executive branch. For example, LinkNet reporting is a type of technology utilized throughout the company to keep track of their data and reports.
The IT department focuses on the fundamentals of understanding the business when it comes to decision making rather than concentrating on just information technology. For instance, they direct their attention on what would benefit the business such as process improvement and how can it be cost effective. Security issues is another topic that the IT department focuses on. For example, they are currently in the process of deciding if a security badge system would be a good investment or not. They are more than likely to go without that system because the cost outweighs the risk.
Their current projects that they are working on are investing in a new ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, more cloud base solutions, updating to 2017 365 Office Suite, wireless infrastructure, updating their website, and expanding their social media presence. The ERP system is the most important technology that New Standard relies on. The system assists in product planning and purchases, work orders, forecasting, service delivery, materials management, inventory management, and shipping and payment. Without ERP, the company would not be able to run efficiently. New Standard has two different kinds of social media, external and internal. Externally, they have a Facebook page, but it is not routinely updated. They are in the process of increasing their social media presence by updating their page more frequently and to create other social media networks. Internally, they use a social network called Yammer which is currently being used for updates of the company, communication within the corporation, and employee bios.
When it comes down to decision making the IT department's major obstacle is budget and resource constrictions. IT could have more developments, but the projects need to be prioritized by cost effectiveness and resource capabilities. For example, updating their ERP system is their number one priority because of how much the corporation relies on it. The security badge system is last on their list because of how expensive it is.
When dealing with technology there are different types of issues that arise. One of New Standard's technological issues is being in the manufacturing field. Mr. Chad Johnson (a network administrator for New Standard) stated that when working in the manufacturing industry most people feel that there is no need for IT to exist and technology has never been at the forefront of manufacturing. Another issue that arises is the change in management within the company and user errors.