The Information System: An Accountant’s Perspective
1. Users of Information:
Classify the following users of information as either: I—internal user T—external user: trading partner S—external user: stakeholder a. Internal Revenue Service b. Inventory control manager c. Board of directors d. Customers e. Lending institutions f. Securities and Exchange Commission g. Stockholders h. Chief executive officer i. Suppliers j. Bondholders
2. Information System Categorization
Classify the following items as either: TPS—transaction processing system FRS—financial reporting system MRS—management reporting system a. Variance reports b. Sales order capture c. Balance sheet d. Budgets e. Purchase order preparation f. Tax returns g. Sales summary by product line h. Cash disbursements preparation i. Annual report preparation j. Invoice preparation k. Cost-volume-profit analysis
3. Subsystems
Use the human body system to illustrate the concepts of system decomposition and subsystem interdependency. Draw a hierarchical chart similar to the one in Figure 1-2 and discuss the interdependencies.
4. Flat-File versus Database Model
Outline the traditional problems associated with the flat-file model that are resolved by the database model.
5. Organization Functions
Based on Figure 1-8, draw a diagram of functional segments for an oil company that has the following operations: a. A head office in New York City responsible for international and national marketing, acquisition of leases and contracts, and corporate reporting. b. Two autonomous regional facilities in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and New Orleans, Louisiana. These facilities are responsible for oil exploration, drilling, refining, storage, and the distribution of petroleum products to corporate service stations throughout the country and abroad.
6. AIS Model
Examine the diagram below and determine what essential mechanism is missing. Once you have identified the missing element, discuss its importance.
Database Management
Data Collection
Data Processing
Information Generation
7. Organization Functions 4. AIS & MIS Features
List some AIS and MIS information from which salespeople may benefit. Clearly indicate whether the information item would be an output of a traditional AIS or MIS system. Finally, discuss the benefits of integrating this information. Based on Figure 1-8, draw a diagram of functional segments for a manufacturer of diversified products. The general characteristics of the firm are as follows: a. The organization produces three unrelated products: lawn and garden furniture for sale in home improvement centers