
The information for the interviews is on the assignment

The information for the interviews is on the assignment sheet that I gave as a handout to everyone at the beginning of the course. Basically, you are asking all 3 people you are interviewing the same questions as follows:

1. What are the challenges of their position?

2. What is their biggest challenge?

3. What about their position is rewarding to them?

4. What is most rewarding to them?

5. What are their specific responsibilities?

6. If they could implement any changes within their specific work environment, what would they recommend?

7. What do they enjoy about management, in general?

8. What are the challenges of management?

9. If the company is a corporation, what policies do they like & what changes, if any, would they like to see implemented? You do not have to repeat the above questions in your report. Just list the name of the people that you interviewed, their current employment position, & the company for which they are employed at the top & number your answers under each name.

Here are the requirements For the Management Assessment Portion of the Assignment:

1. Compare all 3 interviews.

2. What was similar?

3. What was different?

4. How do responsibilities differ by level?

5. Which position would you most like to have, & why?

You also need to finish the interview questions form 3 people and upload it.

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Business Management: The information for the interviews is on the assignment
Reference No:- TGS01622930

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