
The incidence of type two diabetes is a worldwide

Please rebuttal and answer each of the following questions or post statements. Must be 150 words (please), write in 3rd person. Only one reference can be used for each answer. Must be 150 words (please), write in 3rd person.please make sure to use scholarly peer reviewed articlesand place each reference used under each answer.

DQ 1

The incidence of type two diabetes is a worldwide phenomenon and currently no medical breakthroughs are available for a cure thus the most that the medical authorities can do is the clinical management of the disease, so that patients can live happy and healthful lives.

Research from 2011 indicates, that currently, the disease ranks fourth among Alzheimer's, cancer and heart disease as the causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Research by the Pan American health organization, also indicate that the incidence of the disease is increasing at an alarming rate over time and between 2001 and 2025, the incidence of the disease will increase by eighty percent (80%) in the region of the Americas.

The Caribbean falls within the region of the Americas and the research by the Pan American health organization is applicable to this region. The Burden of the disease is also associated with tremendous costs in the Us and worldwide and research indicates that costs associated with the treatment of the disease in the United States is approximately 245 billion dollars and 548 billion dollars globally.

In Saint Lucia, the burden of the disease is also severe, and while no estimates are currently available with the cost of the treatment of the disease, or the absolute numbers of persons with the disease, estimates are available about the years of health lost due to the disease.

Saint Lucia like other Caribbean countries is struggling with the treatment of the disease and uses current clinical methodologies for its treatment protocol. Saint Lucia also uses a Health Promotion approach at its various Health Centers to sensitize patients about their lifestyles but it is not known how much emphasis is placed on nursing leadership in the empowerment of patients.

It is not known however, what role leadership plays in this equation or how much emphasis is placed on providing leadership to patients in empowering them in managing their conditions. While it is known, that leadership behaviour can result in behaviour change in individuals, the literature which has been found thus far is replete on empowerment and behaviour change but to date, the association between patient empowerment and transformational leadership has not been found. This represents the most difficult task in the identification of a gap for this study. Finding the cost of treatment for diabetes specifically and estimates of the absolute numbers of the diabetic population in the country is also proving to be difficult.


Nicholas G A, Schroeder E B, Kantar A J, Lawrence J M, and Steiner J F. Trends in Diabetes incidence among 7 million insured adults... American Journal of Epidemiology.18(6) 32-39.

Diabetes the understated threat (2011) New York, New York. Films Media group (2014) Barcelo A and Vovides Y (2001) The Pan American health organization and world Diabetes day. RevistaPanamericana De SaludPublica. (5) 297.doi:10. 1590/s1020-49892001100001


The societal issue surrounding ethical decision making stems from the onset of crises with colossal ramifications as with cases such as Enron or British Petroleum. Historically, due to a lack of oversight compliance requirements, greed, and deception, scandals have wrought the corporate industry with much of the attention surrounding executive leaders (Kottke& Pelletier, 2013). Given the construct for today's economy, it is critical for leaders at all levels to develop a sense of ethics that are transparent and that organizations do the right thing. This is exceptionally true with mid-level leaders who serve as the bridge between senior and executive level leadership and the execution of operations. Mid-level leaders are likely to have substantial influence over followers since these leaders may influence pay, promotions, write evaluations, and control over day to day tasks (Kottke& Pelletier, 2013). In addition to mid-level leader influence, it is important that mid-level leaders exhibit similar desired characteristics as senior leaders (Kottke& Pelletier, 2013).

Studies have extensively examined executive and senior leadership decision making, but few have taken into account ethical decision making with mid-level leadership (Kottke& Pelletier, 2013). A significant amount of research concerning ethics within organizations have surrounded senior leadership levels, but little research exists for mid-level leaders (Ardichvili, Jondle, &Kowske, 2012; Kottke& Pelletier, 2013). Kottke and Pelletier (2013) stated that future studies should include mid-level leaders and ethical decision making. How can leader development address ethical decision making for mid-level leaders? Glazumina (2015) states that future studies should include leader development and management effectiveness. Selart and Johansen (2011) argued that stressful situations effect ethical leadership and leader recognition of ethical dilemmas. Can one analyze the effect of leader training on address stressful or crises situations?

In summary, to reiterate, the gap identified through the literature included that future studies should include mid-level leaders in ethical decision making (Kottke& Pelletier, 2013), leader development and management effectiveness (Glamuzina, 2015), and how stress effect ethical leadership and the recognition of ethical dilemmas (Selart& Johansen, 2011). From the societal issue and historical background through the identified research gap, the problem statement posits that it is not known how leader development influences mid-level leaders to make ethical decisions in crises situations within corporate organizations.


Ardichvili, A., Jondle, D., &Kowske, B. (2012). Minding the gap: Exploring differences in perceptions of ethical business cultures among executives, mid-level managers and non-managers. Human Resource Development International, 15(3), 337-352. doi:10.1080/13678868.2012.687625

Glamuzina, M. (2015). Levels of leadership development and top management's effectiveness: Is there a clear-cut relationship? Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 20(1), 89-131.

Kottke, J., & Pelletier, K. (2013). Measuring and differentiating perceptions of supervisor and top leader ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 113(3), 415-428. doi:10.1007/s10551-012 1312-8

Selart, M., & Johansen, S. (2011). Ethical Decision Making in Organizations: The Role of Leadership Stress. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(2), 129-143. doi:10.1007/s10551-010-0649-0

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