1. A(n) warranty of ________________ is created when the buyer relies on the seller to pick out the goods that the buyer requires to meet a stated need.
A. conformity to description
B. merchantability
C. fitness for particular purpose
D. conformity to sample or model
2. A written product manual or label that attempts to disclaim the implied warranty of merchantability must only be conspicuous.
3. The implied warranty of merchantability means:
A. the goods are fit the specific purpose for which they are created.
B. the goods are fit for the general purpose for which such goods are used.
C. the goods are fit for the general purpose for which all goods are sold.
D. the goods are designed and tested for the most discriminating consumer.
4. In order the implied warranty of merchantability to exist:
A. the seller must be in privity of contract with the buyer..
B. the buyer must have paid retail for the product.
C. the seller must be a merchant.
D. the buyer must be a merchant