The implementation of the national recovery act created

The first step was the pass the Emergency Banking Act. The Emergency Banking Act ensured banks had adequate funds to operate prior to opening for business. The Glass-Steagall Act created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which financially backstopped banks while forbidding the use of unsecured investments. Next on FDR's agenda was Agricultural reform. The Agricultural Adjustment Act created regulations and subsidies to farmers which were designed to control production crops resulting increased prices by limiting supply. The administrating used a different tactic to control prices of industrial goods. The implementation of the National Recovery Act created self-regulating associations who controlled production and thus prices for their goods.

To address America's unemployment, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration funded state welfare programs to provide immediate relief to those in need. To get America back to work the Public Works Administration and Civil Works Administration were created and provided over four million jobs developing America's infrastructure. As those programs ended the Civilian Conservation Corps was stood up and put over 250,000 men to work building roads and trails for the nations parks.

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History: The implementation of the national recovery act created
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