The implementation of mutex locks provided in this unit



Computer operating systems is designed mostly to facilitate ease of use .with the aid of below Diagram show your maximum in-depth understanding of how Computer operating systems works.



There are some advantages and disadvantages of the storage systems below diagram elaborate further mentioning DRAM non-volatile storage such as NVRAM,

939_Storage_Systems .jpg


1. RGI has asked for a patch to its Linux Server operating systems showing the fork and exec process on a UNIX system. Note that the fork system call returns the PID of each process's child to each respective process - It returns a zero to the child process and a non-zero child PID to the parent process, so the return value indicates which process is the parent and which process is the child. Write the code of the request for RGI.

2. Explain why implementing synchronization primitives by disabling interrupts is not appropriate in a single-processor system if the synchronization primitives are to be used in user-level programs.

3. The implementation of mutex locks provided in this unit suffers from busy waiting. Describe what changes would be necessary so that a process waiting to acquire a mutex lock would be blocked and placed into a waiting queue until the lock became available.

4. Some CPUs provide for more than two modes of operation. What are two possible uses of these multiple modes?

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Operating System: The implementation of mutex locks provided in this unit
Reference No:- TGS01567087

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