
The impact of physical surroundings on customers and

Case Study- Servicescapes: The Impact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and Employees

Research Implications

The conceptual framework and the servicescape typology suggest a wide range of research possibilities. Given the scarcity of research reported in the consumer behavior and marketing literature, there is a tremendous opportunity for theory building, empirical testing, development of better measures and methods, and application/replication of findings from other fields.

the preceding specific propositions pro¬vide numerous starting points for research. The propositions are purposefully general. Each one could be explored and expanded through empirical research.

For example, given a specific commercial environment, how does a consumer's (or employee's) purpose for being there affect the person's response to the place? That question addresses the moderating effects of situational factors in determining environmental re¬sponses.

Alternatively, one could start with a particular social interaction behavior such as teamwork among employees and work back through the framework to discover the types of internal responses and relevant environmental dimensions that would encourage such behavior.

In addition to the basic research suggested by the framework and propositions, there is a need for research that will illuminate the differential importance and differential effects of physical surroundings across types of service industries.

Research opportunities also are available in exploring the ability of the physical environment to achieve particular ob¬jectives of the firm, and at what cost.

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Other Subject: The impact of physical surroundings on customers and
Reference No:- TGS01155428

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