
The impact of cloud computing in the field of journalism -

Detailed Question: The assignment is to write an annotated biography. I am going to write based on the field of Journalism.

It has been argued that Cloud Computing has emerged as one of the information technologies that has the potential to offer benefits to organizations and institutions as they manage their computing needs.


The impact of Cloud Computing in the field of journalism

An Annotated Bibliography identifies the sources of information and includes information such as a summary, a critique and/or an analysis.

You are required to complete an Annotated Bibliography. This is in preparation for your Literature Review.

The assignment seeks to allow you to research literature relevant to the field/industry within which you are currently employed or any other field/industry which you would like to research. For example: Education, Law Enforcement, Medicine, etc.

The guidelines for completing the Annotated Bibliography are:

a) Complete the broad topic provided above by inserting the field/industry which you wish to review. This ‘new broad topic' will form the basis of generating your narrow (more focused) research topic.

- Be reminded that the topic you generate will form the basis of your research for your Literature Review assignment for this course.

b) Generate a narrow (more focused) topic based on the broad topic identified at (a) above.

c) Identify eight (8) sources related to your narrow topic.

d) After you have read each source (identified at (c) above), create an annotated bibliographic entry reflecting the reading.

e) Your Annotated Bibliography should include:

- An introduction;

- A reference entry for each source identified;

- An annotation for each source identified (should appear directly below the reference entry). The annotation should include a summary and a critical analysis of each source identified - this should be done in no more than three (3) paragraphs for each source identified. Aim for short and concise paragraphs.

- A conclusion;

- A reference list.

f) Your entire submission should adhere to the APA style of formatting - that is, for both writing and referencing.

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Dissertation: The impact of cloud computing in the field of journalism -
Reference No:- TGS01288561

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