Title: Thematic Analysis of a Contemporary Supply Chain
Topic Format: Individual Assignment
This assignment is designed to foster students' understanding of contemporary supply chain concepts. This is achieved by asking students to conduct a thematic analysis on an allocated supply chain management topic (e.g., buyer-supplier relationships, supply chain risk management and product returns management) from the academic literature. Emphasis is placed on identifying unique and related themes surrounding the allocated topic based on the papers reviewed.
Students are required to review at least 15 academic articles in the given area of supply chain management to identify the major themes. The identified themes need to be analyzed and presented in a report of about 1,000 words along with a Thematic Analysis Table. The word count of 1,000 excludes tables, charts and list of references used.
Weight and Criteria
This assignment is worth 30% of the final grade for the course. It will be assessed according to the following criteria:
-Relevance and currency of articles reviewed
-Rigor and depth of analysis, as per Thematic Analysis Table submitted
-Explanation and discussion of identified themes
-Clarity of explanation, including logic of argument and use of illustrative diagrams and charts
1000 words