
The i homework assignment - a case study about trokosi due

The I. Homework Assignment - A Case Study about Trokosi (due next time in class) INSTRUCTIONS: The point of this exercise is to leant some techniques that philosophers use to analyze etheical PA;b=otiZicrelineds=1:"Onitlih=irZtMs:ss pl7'sden'tfieriln'a tvrC, laibZtnT;okosi. discuss the  short Pet tfi7:oPltaoPsei r-s(laatvZ.' e2otni7ts7Ontel:oPpairber1:1¦::' " smaller, standard margin" "" Topic I: What are the main tenets of Utilitarian Ethics (U) as this theory was explained in class and the book (chapters 7-8). M particular, plea., start with a clear formulation of. the Principle of Utility. Briefly explain this principle. What does it assume about impartiality .d comparing various interests, .at does istaicnnTilLas==fulfil and frianct= boeftOtheerrisrus interests various beings have? E.g., can we What do. Utilitarian Theory imply about Trok.i? Please, explain why. If you use the utilitarian theory, remember to consider at least two feasible alternatives. Also, consider both short-term and long-term utility of altematives that you consider. Topic 2: What are the main tenets of art •thics (K) as this theory was explained in class and the book. ,---Please, start with a clear formulation o c Kant's 2'. Categorical Imperative the formula of respect. Explain this imperative! What does it mean to use someone merely as a means? How is it different from using someone as a means but also as an end in itself? What does Kantian theory assume equality of humans? Does it allow for sacrificing interests of some beings to fulfil interests of other beings? Relate this to the idea of respect for autonomy and the idea of informed and rational consent? What does Kantian Theory imply about Trokosi. Explain why. Again, please us in your reaction papers, the handout on "Ethical Theories- Application" distributed in class. iCoo,v,:amogneszrefiritpotsiadlleo:feadfrixdnyyucsleadss...Speo.rlezi,:popczeartfars! Let us try to protect environment!! If you want Best of luck with this homework! Additional resources: The video we watched in class (starting at about 53:50): httv://www.cultureunoluaaed.com/documentarv/watch-onlinenlay/5076/Innocents-Lost You will find many additional details on the web. Please, google "Trokosi". Also, here are some you-tube clips worth watching: "Trokosi Freedom": https://www.voutube.com/watch,---w6vr5aHc8hg "Slaves of the Gods". http./Avww.voutube.com/watch,-Tu0i7c0RdSY "Interviews with Trokosi": httcd/www.youtube.comMatch,WFWbix7US,  

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