The hydrolysis of lactose (D-galactosyl-β-(1,4) D-glucose) toD-galactose and D-glucose occurs with aΔGo' of -4.0 kcal/mole.
(a) Calculate K'eq for the hydrolyticreaction.
(b) What are the ΔGo' andK'eq for the synthesis of lactose fromD-galactose and D-glucose?
(c) Lactose is synthesized in the cell from UDP-galactose plusD-glucose and is catalyzed by lactose synthase. Given thatΔGo' of hydrolysis of UDP-galactose is-7.3 kcal/mole, calculate ΔGo' andK'eq for the reaction
UDP-galactose + D-glucose → Lactose + UDP.