
the human element is the most important input

The human element is the most important input in any industrial enterprise and it is the one which is most difficult to control. Quality Management is essentially a control function with respect to the quality of product. The responsibility of quality is not confined to any single individual or group . it is shared very widely by all departments such as design, Engineering Production and sales, which deal with the product. Quality control is not only a technical problem it is also a problem of human relations.

As employees become committed and involved and the entire workforce understands, and is committed to the vision values and quality goals of the organization empowerment becomes a necessity. Employees need to be aware of the TQM concepts trained to improve interactive skills problem identification and solving skills and technical skills. Employees need to be informed about the quality initiative and participate in the improvement activities and through top down and bottom up communication. Team work skills are needed to have employees work together and a review of the reward and recognition scheme is another important factor to ensure and reinforce employee commitment and involvement.

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Business Management: the human element is the most important input
Reference No:- TGS0219697

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