Components Assignment Instructions
Choose two Web sites and write a 600 word essay meeting the following criteria.
- The essay will be contained within an HTML document.
- The HTML document should be valid according to a W3C validation tool, semantically correct, well organized, and contain the following HTML elements: DOCTYPE, html, head, title, body, article, section, header, nav, ul, li, aside, p, a, br, blockquote, footer, img, address, time, strong, em, cite, abbr, small, and ARIA landmark roles.
- Include a section comparing and contrasting the semantic elements of each chosen site and a description of whether or not the elements are semantically appropriate for the content.
- Include a section describing the chosen sites' design in relation to the following concepts:
- Contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity, color, typography, writing style.
- Usability: content, ease of use, relevance, unique.
- Include a section which focuses on the performance of each site and describe ways in which they have been improved or could be improved further.
- Include a section describing the chosen sites' accessibility and validity according to the W3C validation tools and ARIA.
- Include a section summarizing the overall findings between the two chosen sites.
The assignment submission will include a corresponding URL for the Web page.