1. The Hoover Dam hydroelectric power plant has 17 hydroelectric turbines that were installed between 1936 and 1961. Today, the hydroelectric power plant has a total rated capacity of 2,080 MW and generates 4.2 TWh of electricity annually. Assume the plant has an availability of 98%. What is the capacity factor of the hydroelectric power plant (%)?
2. The United States currently generates approximately 4100 TWh of electricity annually. By the year 2030, advocates of wind energy have proposed that at least 20% of the national electricity usage be generated by wind energy. Currently, the installed wind turbines in the US account for a total of 60,000 MW of rated capacity. Assume the average wind turbine has a rated capacity of 2 MW, a capacity factor of 25%, and occupies 0.2 km2 of land. How much electricity is currently generated by wind energy each year (MWh/yr)?
Assuming energy usage remains the constant through 2030, what is the total rated capacity of wind energy needed to generate 20% of the electricity in the US (MW)?