
The history explain the development of the city - why was

Write a Paper on below given description.

General Directions:

Topic must be on an at moderately sized that is not in your home country.

Use any of the standard formats as long as it consistent. Either footnotes or are acceptable. Include on each page the title.

It should be of minimum 12 pages of text. Pictures and would be very wise to as well but they do not count the 12 page minimum.

The paper should be double spaced, 12 pt. type in either Times Roman or Helvetica font.

Restrictions: No USA are allowed as topics.

Sources: Should have at least sources and not may be Internet. Wikipedia is not acceptable but the in any articles could be if follow links. There should be a bibliography page.

Title Page: Please have a title and a colorful title page.


The history explain the development of the city.

Why was this chosen? What were the factors (site and/or situation) that to its growth? Were there resources?

Name: What does the mean of the name ? What language is source? Has its name changed?


What are the most known features of city? These could be, museums, districts, features.

Be the tourist-what would you to go see. You should at least five sights, with a few pictures.

Population Characteristics:

How people live in the city?

What is the makeup?

Are there ethnic of the city?

What income exist?


What are, in opinion, some of the problems for your city?

What do you think the holds?

This section must be at minimum one and a half pages.

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Essay Writing: The history explain the development of the city - why was
Reference No:- TGS01526863

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