
The grievant reported to work more than an hour after

The grievant reported to work more than an hour after commencement of his shift. He informed his supervisor that he had stopped by the residence of a friend the night before to watch a basketball game and had overslept, making him late for work. About noon that day, the supervisor was leaving for lunch when he noticed an orange ladder in the back of the grievant’s pickup truck that appeared to be a company ladder. He reported this to the human resources manager, and they decided to investigate. They went to the grievant’s truck and confirmed that, indeed, it was a company-labeled ladder. They checked with the guard station to determine whether the grievant had obtained a property removal authorization pass granting him permission to take the ladder off company premises. The guards confirmed that the grievant had not presented them with any such pass. The union vice president was summoned to the scene and was told they were concerned that the grievant might be planning to steal the ladder. The union vice president suggested that they should wait and see whether the grievant actually left the company’s premises with the ladder before reaching any conclusions.

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Operation Management: The grievant reported to work more than an hour after
Reference No:- TGS01267281

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