
The grayscale input image

Code for Implementing a FindBitPlanes function to return any of the 8 bit plane images of the grayscale input image.Calling function FindBitPlanes to obtain the four most significant bit plane images. Use these four most significant bit plane images to reconstruct the image (i.e., all the four least significant bits are set to 0's and all the four most significant bits are kept intact).Displaying the original image and the reconstructed image side-by-side in figure 1 with appropriate titles. Does the reconstructed image resemble the original image? Explain the rationale for your answer on the Matlab console.Implementing a Scaling function to linearly rescale the grayscale input image into a new intensity range.Use the Matlab built-in function imadjust to scale the image food into the equivalent range for [newMin newMax] and save the scaled image into matScaledFood. Display your scaled image and matlab's scaled image side-by-side in figure with appropriate titles.

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Electrical Engineering: The grayscale input image
Reference No:- TGS0427946

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