Lab: Generating the BMI Table
The goal of this lab is to write a code that produces a table of BMI (the Body-Mass Index). The body-mass index of a person is determined by the height and weight of the person, given by the formula:
* (the height in inches) / (the weigh in pounds)-squared.
Our goal is to write a code that produces a table that shows the BMI value for a range of height and a range of weight.
The lab task consists of two parts. Part 1 is worth ten points and part 2 is worth two extra points. In Part 1, the size parameters for the table will be fixed while in Part 2, the size parameters will be entered by the user.
Part 1: Fixed-size BMI Table
We will use a double loop for the table generation. The rows of the table are the weight, which ranges from 260 pounds down to 80 pounds with the step-width of 5 (that is, the values are 260, 255, 250, ...). The columns of the table are the height, which ranges from 56 inches to 76 inches with the step-width of 2 (that is, the values are 56, 58, 60, ...). We use the formula 703.0 * weight / (height * height) for calculating the value. We will print each BMI value using System.out.printf("%5.1f", xxx) to print xxx in five chater spaces with one digit below the decimal point.