
The goal is to communicate your literacy autobiographies in

Literacy Autobiography - Purpose of Assignment

In this assignment, you will be guided to reflect on your past and current literacy practices. The goal is to communicate your literacy autobiographies in such a way that illustrates who you are as literate beings in the digital era of the 21st century.
This assignment is also designed to help you start reflecting on your learning, which will later help you in writing your reflection essays or statements in your Portfolio.

This assignment has two requirements. Both products should be submitted through Blackboard for grading.
1. An Essay (5%) - each student will write an essay (1-2 pages) demonstrating how she became literate in English and in Arabic.
2. An Audio recording (5%) - each student will record her own narration of how she became literate in English and in Arabic. The recording must be at least 3 minutes in length. This recording is called podcasting.
Recording an audio is called Podcasting. Click on the related links to find out more information on podcasting.
What is Podcasting? (https://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/2005/07/20/WhatIsPodcasting.html?page=1#heading1)
How to create your podcasting file
Use Audacity to create your podcasting materials
you will:
- Reflect on what it means to be literate and on the socio-cultural and historical factors that influence our literacy development and literacy practices across our lifespan.
- You will be able to record an audio file and write your literacy autobiography.
- Review the list of literacy autobiographies of college students from different parts of the world. Such online literacy autobiographies will help you to think of yourselves as readers and writers in different situations: in your homes, in your schools, and etc.

For this assignment, develop a list of guiding questions.

Instructional media: Tools and Resources
- Word-Processing, Digital multimedia software
Description, Procedure & Activities
- Reflecting on your past literacy experiences will help develop an in-depth understanding of the factors, experiences and events that influence the literacy development within your micro-culture.
- To help you retrieve and recall your previous and current memories of your literacy practices, consider the following questions. What experiences do you remember that might have influenced your literacy development across your lifespan? How did you manage to be fluent in Arabic and English? Have you been exposed to multimedia oriented literacies (e.g., movies, computer games, etc.) during your childhood? What is the impact of such literacy experiences on the way you view yourself now as a literate being?
- Your written and audio products will be evaluated by the instructor according to rubrics (for the written and audio or video part see appendix A).

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Other Subject: The goal is to communicate your literacy autobiographies in
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