
The genetic information nondiscrimination act

Discuss the below:

Select a topic from the list below these instructions [should be different topic from the one you chose for Assignment #1] or clear a topic with the instructor. You should follow the requirements in the outline below and in same order as below. Should use my headings that are underlined in your paper.


1. Topic

Specifically state the topic you have chosen for this paper.

2. Purpose

Should specifically state the purpose of the paper which is to raise the awareness of an employee group in a specific health care department or division [not an entire hospital]. You should then state the specific employee group you are targeting [Nurses, doctors, medical techs etc.] for your awareness briefing and the specific health group within a health care organization the employees work for [OR, ER, HR, Administration, oncology, outpatient surgery etc.].

For example: The False Credentials paper issue would be for HR offices while the Critical Event might be for operating room technicians. Patient Treatment Consent might be a good paper for a Palliative Care Organization or an Oncology Clinic discharge planning staff.

3. Discussion

The paper should discuss accurate information, supported by footnotes, for the setting with full discussion of the relevant state and federal laws, hospital internal policies and Joint Commission requirements and how they are relevant to you topic and the specific civil and criminal consequences for the employee and health care department for failing to follow the requirements. Should furnish two specific examples, with citation of authority, of what may occur if an employee fails to adhere to the requirements you are briefing. The examples should be relevant to your briefing topic. Should furnish citations of authority to back up all facts with links accessible by the instructor.

Remember you are providing specific information to a specific employee group of their specific responsibilities and consequence for failing in their responsibilities. In other words, you are providing a roadmap so the employees will be successful.

In the paper you may ask questions and use graphics to deliver certain points of information but the graphics should be an addendum to the paper and not in the body of the paper.

4. Conclusion

Summarize the relevant info you briefed the employees and its importance to proper practice of health care. At the end of your conclusion you should include a statement "For more information about this issue..." and include a reference or references that the employees may seek out for further information. But remember in the body of the paper you are to provide the most important relevant specific information the employees need to know to be successful without having to look up any requirements.

Formatting requirements:

The paper should be double spaced and be 4-7 pages in 12 point New Times Roman font. One inch margins all around. Include a cover page [not counted as a page] which should have student name and title of your paper [Provide a short name of the critical aspect of employee responsibility.] Should have at end of the paper a list of references in APA Format [not counted as a page].

• The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

• Elder abuse Mandatory Reporting

• Child abuse Mandatory Reporting

• HIV Mandatory Reporting

• The False Claims Act

• Proper treatment of environmental hazards

• Medical error-Critical Incident

• False credentials of health care personnel

• Medical Charting violations

• Violations of HIPAA- confidentiality

• Failure to treat patients in a timely manner

• Research integrity

• Patient Choice and treatment consent

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Other Subject: The genetic information nondiscrimination act
Reference No:- TGS01833191

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