
The generate customer reports process

Create a Use-Case Diagram for the CRM System following the UML guidelines in Appendix A of the textbook.

  • Doc sharing Project Workbook - Week 7 folder, has instructions on how to create a Use Case using Visio (but you can use any MS Office application).
  • Need to include processes for Record Customer Activities, Send Promotions, Generate Point Redemption Coupons, and Generate Customer Reports processes.
  • The hint is to look at the external entities, processes, and data stores from the Level 0 DFD on page 187.
  • Actors:
    • The Customer is a source and a sink - and should be shown as one Actor on our Use Case.
    • The three data stores will be the other actors:
      • Customer Activity Records.
      • Marketing Database.
      • Product Database.
  • Process: Each of the sub process on page 187 will become a Process reflected in the Use Case.
    • So we have a total of four processes.
      • Send Promotions.
      • Generate Point Redemption Coupons.
      • Record Customer Activity.
      • Generate Customer Reports.
  • Actors will interact with the processes on the Use Case based on the data flow arrows on the Level 0 diagram. For Example: Product Database Actor will connect to the Generate Customer Reports process as shown on the bottom right of the Level 0 diagram on page 187.

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Other Engineering: The generate customer reports process
Reference No:- TGS0534447

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