Write an HTML page with JavaScript using IF Statement
The game of "23" is a two-player (computer versus player) game that begins with a row of 23 toothpicks. Players take turns, withdrawing 1, 2 or 3 toothpicks at a time. The player to withdraw the last toothpick loses the game.
Write a human-computer webapp that plays "23". The human should always move first. The webapp should prompt the human to select the number of toothpicks (1 to 3 - input validation) when it is the player's turn, and then display the "actual" toothpicks left (using "/-" - add a dash after each slash for readability) followed by the total number of toothpicks left. The game should end gracefully with the computer announcing the winner.
Note: You can use console.log to display testing messages. All game messages will be displayed to HTML page similar to the Sample Output below. Your alerts will process the user moves.