The fuzzy sets in Example Problem 10.26 have been calibrated so that a person with a resting heart rate of 95 beats per minute has a 75% degree of membership in the normal category and a 25% degree of membership in the tachycardia category. A resting heart rate of 65 beats per minute indicates a 95% degree of membership in the normal category. Draw a graph of the fuzzy sets.
Example Problem 10.26
A fuzzy system is used to categorize people by heart rates. The system is used to help determine which patients have normal resting heart rates, bradychardia, or tachycardia. Bradychardia is a cardiac arrhythmia in which the resting heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute, and tachycardia is defined as a cardiac arrhythmia in which the resting heart rate is greater than 100 beats per minute. A normal heart rate is considered to be in the range of 70-80 beats per minute. What are three linguistic variables that might be used to describe the resting heart rates of the individuals?