1-The fund financial statements for governmental funds should include a
A: Balance sheet for fiduciary funds B: Statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances. C: tatement of cash flows. D; All of the above
2- Which of the following terms refers to an actual cost rather than an estimate?
A; Budget, B: Encumbrance, C: Expenditure, D : Appropriation
3- Equity in a special Revenue fund is known as ?
A: Restricted net assets, B; Fund balance. C: Invested in capital assets, D: Net postion
4- The government fund of a state or local government should report interfund transfers as?
A: Other financing sources or uses, B: Items appearing after nonoperating revenues and expenses in the operating statement, C: Revenue or expenditures, D: Appropriation or liabilities
5- Under which basis of accounting is it appropriate to recognize expenses that expenditures?
A: cash, B: Modified cash, C : accrual, D: modified accrual