
The functionality of those assignments has been

Object Oriented Development


This assignment follows the same application as the first three assignments where we examined  the problem of managing the accounts and inventory for a bookstore. In this assignment, we  focus on different types of inventory and you are required to develop a solution using the C++ language that has the following features:

Handles different types of inventory;

Record the Purchases and Sales based on the type of item and an assigned mark-up;


Uses a pointer array of inventory to store the different items in.


This assignment requires you to write C++ code to implement four classes

Note that while some of these classes are related to those developed in the second assignments, the functionality of those assignments has been significantly reduced to focus  on polymorphism and templates, e.g., both SalesRegister and Publisher classes are  emoved.

The classes you must develop are:

A Template SimpleList class:

The SimpleList class must have the following features:

o Attribute/s to store the constant array pointer list of the Inventory objects and the count to keep track current element.

o Accessor and/or manipulator methods where appropriate

o AddElement function will check to make sure the current item is not reached the size before adding the parameter object on to the arraylist

o A constructor to initialise the Simple Item array list object

o A Print() has an output operator to format appropriately the data stored on the simple lis (sensible field widths should be used).

o A GetCount() return the current number of item on the array

o A GetItem(int position) return the item element on the array list at the parameter position.

An Inventory class:

This is an abstract class which has 4 pure virtual functions:

o A GetItemData() function allows to prompt user for the item details ;

o A RecordSales() function will update the sold quantity for the inventory if the stock is higher  or equal to the sold quantity parameter;

o A RecordPurchase() function will update the purchase quantity for the inventory by the sold  quantity parameter;

o A Print() function display the inventory item details and purchased and sold information

A StockItem class is inherited from the Inventory class:

Has cost price, mark-up, sold quantity and purchase quantity attributes;

Has a custom constructor, accessor and mutator functions for the above description attributes;  and

And four other virtual functions to implement the RecordSales() and throw exception if there is not enough stock for the transaction record, GetData(), RecordPurchase() and Print() which described in the Inventory class. A GeneralItem class is inherited from the StockItem class :

Has the item description attribute;

The GetData() function will prompt the user to input the item description attribute and the markup attribute from the StockItem;

Has a custom constructor, accessor and mutator functions for the above description attributes; and

And the Print() display description attributes and all StockItem details.

A BookItem class is inherited from the GeneralItem class :

Has the extra Book Author, Publisher and Year attributes;

The GetData() function will prompt the user to input the author, publisher, year details and the markup attribute from the StockItem;

Has a custom constructor, accessor and mutator functions for the above description attributes; and

And the Print() display described attributes and all StockItem details.


Inventory {abstract}



Provided Code - main()





using namespace std;

#include "Inventory.h"

#include "StockItem.h"

#include "GeneralItem.h"

#include "BookItem.h"

#include "SimpleList.h"

#define SIZE 5

void menu()


int choice;

cout << "1. Add record\n";

cout << "2. Record Purchase\n";

cout << "3. Record Sale\n";

cout << "4. Print\n";

cout << "5. Exit\n";

cout << "Option? ";

cin >> choice;

if( choice < 1 || choice > SIZE)

throw(string("Invalid choice"));

else throw(choice);


int main()


// Inventory *list[SIZE];

SimpleList list;

int cont = 1;







catch(string msg)


cout << msg << "\n";


catch(int i)


int type;

int qty;

float price;

Inventory* item;



case 1:

if( list.GetCount() < SIZE)


cout << "1. Book Item 2. General Item: ";

cin >> type;

if(type == 1) item = new BookItem;

else item = new GeneralItem;




else cout << "Over Load\n";


case 2:

if( list.GetCount() == 0) cout << "No Inventory\n";



for(type = 0; type < list.GetCount(); type++) // list data


cout << "List [" << type+1 << "]:\n";





cout << "Which List Purchase? ";

cin >> type;

} while(type < 0 || type > list.GetCount());

cout << "Purchase Qty: ";

cin >> qty;

cout << "Cost Price: ";

cin >> price;

item = (Inventory*) list.GetItem(type-1);

item->RecordPurchase(qty, price);



case 3:

if( list.GetCount() == 0) cout << "No Inventory\n";



for(type = 0; type < list.GetCount(); type++)


cout << "List [" << type+1 << "]:\n";





cout << "Which List Sold? ";

cin >> type;

} while(type < 0 || type > list.GetCount());

cout << "Sold Qty: ";

cin >> qty;



item = (Inventory*) list.GetItem(type-1);



catch(string msg) { cout << msg << "\n"; }



case 4:

if( list.GetCount() == 0) cout << "No Inventory\n";

else list.Print();

/* replace the loop to display the Inventory items


for(type = 0; type < list.GetCount(); type++)


cout << "List [" << type+1 << "]:\n";



} */


case 5:

for(type = 0; type < list.GetCount(); type++) delete list.GetItem(type);

cont = 0;


default: return 0;

} // end switch

} // end catch

} // end while

return 0;


Your assignment must also satisfy the following requirements:

You must use polymorphism in your solution to record the sales, purchases, get data and print functions;

You do not need to consider exceptions for this assignment (they will return in the final assignment);

Tabs (\t) can be used for formatting purposes;

You must use the main() function, above. Note that not all functions required above may be invoked by the provided main(); and

All floating point data should be displayed to two decimal places. For information on how to set the number of decimal places, see the Manipulators Session 1 pp9 Study Guide. You do not need to restore the number of decimal places.

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