Question: The From-To Chart in the table below indicates the number of loads moved per 8-hr day (above the slash) and the distances in feet (below the slash) between departments in a particular factory. Fork lift trucks are used to transport materials between departments. They move at an average speed = 275 ft/min (loaded) and 350 ft/train (empty). Load handling time per delivery is 1.5 min, and anticipated traffic factor = 0.9. Assume A - 0.95 and worker efficiency = 110%. Determine the number of trucks required under each of the following assumptions:
(a)The trucks never travel empty, and
(b) the trucks travel empty a distance equal to their loaded distance.
To Dept. A B C D E
From Dept. A - 62/500 51/450 45/350 0
B 0 - 0 22/400 0
C 0 0 - 0 76/200
D 0 0 0 - 65/150
E 0 0 0 0 -