"The Frantic Pipe Layer" game.
(1) The Completed Game:
Here is what the user interface should look like when completed:
You must adjust your code so that the main PipeGameGUI.java uses a GridBagLayout to arrange its components. There are 7 components to arrange as shown above: (a JButton, 3 JRadioButtons, a BoardPanel, a JLabel called "Time Left:" and a JProgressBar). Adjust your code so that the additional components fit onto the window nicely by using a GridBagLayout manager. The window need not be resizable though. The above image represents a window which is 450 x 525 pixels in size.
(2) Game Startup:
Upon opening, the following must occur:
• the JButton should be labeled "Start Game".
• the window should not show the "TimeLeft:" label nor the progress bar. (hint: use setVisible(...))
• the tiles should all be blank and disabled.
• the 3 radio buttons should be enabled and only one should be selected at a time
Adjust your code to have this behavior:
• When the Start Game button is pressed, the 3 radio buttons should be disabled and the Start Game button should be re-labeled to "Stop Game". Also, the game should begin.
• If the Stop Game button is pressed during a game, the game should stop right away. Add code to ensure that the game board is reset upon starting. The initializeBoard() method will do this. Also, when the game is stopped, all of the buttons on the board panel must be disabled. When the game is started, these buttons must be re-enabled. Upon window startup, these buttons should all be disabled.