
the four imperatives of aligning sales and

The Four Imperatives of Aligning Sales and Strategy

For your Portfolio Project, you will research an organization of your choice and assess this organization with regard to how it reflects and incorporates the four imperatives for aligning sales and strategy (Day & Moorman, 2010). These imperatives are summarized in Week 1, if you need a quick overview.


  • You will address each of the following sections as they relate to the organization you have chosen.
  • Each of the sections and subsequent discussion should be supported by an example related to the organization and by a course concept or other sales strategy theory and practice.
  • Your paper must contain at least three peer-reviewed, scholarly sources. Find these at the CSU-Global Library.
  • The entire Portfolio Project is worth 35% of your overall grade for this course.

Paper Requirements

Section 1: Introduction and Thesis Statement

Provide the following:

  • The background and description of the organization you have chosen, including historical information, the industry or field, employee number and skills, and its target markets.
  • A detailed thesis statement of how the organization incorporates the four imperatives.

Section 2: Aligning Sales and Strategy

Provide the following:

  • Does the organization align its sales strategy to position itself as a customer value leader? Give examples.
  • Explain how the organization has or has not adopted innovation principles to create new value for customers. Explain what you think the consequences might be or have been for the organization's future as a result. 
  • Analyze whether the organization views its customer as assets and give examples.
  • Analyze whether the organization has treated its brand as an asset. Give examples.

Section 3: Strategic Leadership

Provide the following:

  • Analyze whether the top leadership of the organization has shown commitment to aligning sales strategy. Give examples.
  • How do you think corporate leaders interact with the organization as a whole? Is there evidence that the leaders have involved the entire organization into their alignment of sales strategy? What have been the consequences of the leadership style, do you think, for the organization? Please explain and give examples and support your opinion.

Section 4: Stakeholders and Recommendations

Provide the following:

  • Describe the major stakeholders and their role, if any, in creating value for the organization.
  • Provide your recommendations for how this organization could improve upon the current alignment of its sales strategy to improve its overall corporate performance.

Section 5: Conclusion

Provide the following:

  • Summarize your findings.

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Corporate Finance: the four imperatives of aligning sales and
Reference No:- TGS0504771

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