
the formula for resistors linked in parallel is a

The formula for resistors linked in parallel is a little more complex. Given two resistors along with resistances R1 and R2 linked in parallel the equivalent resistance is given through the inverse of the sum of the inverses, i.e.

 Requiv = --------
 1 1
 -- + --
 R1 R2
If there are more than two resistors you continue to invert the sum of their inverses; e.g. for four resistors you have:
Requiv = ------------------
1 1 1 1
-- + -- + -- + --
R1 R2 R3 R4

Write a program that calculates the resistance of a a group of resistors arranged in parallel. The resistances will all be passed as command line arguments.

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JAVA Programming: the formula for resistors linked in parallel is a
Reference No:- TGS0284465

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