1. The form design should resemble that at the bottom of the page.
2. VB construct requirements:
a. Output format strings
b. Data Types: String and Numeric
c. Output editing as appropriate
d. Arithmetic operations as appropriate
e. Use comments at the beginning of the program to give a brief description of the project and use comments in the program code as needed.
f. Use appropriate text in the controls and form
g. Form Design: consider colors, font, font size etc.
h. Both hard coded and computed report data
3. Processing requirements:
a. Previous unpaid balance: past due amount - payment amount
b. Finance charge: 1.5% of the previous unpaid balance
c. Current amount due: past due amount - payment amount + finance charge + purchases amount
d. Totals: As needed
e. Exit procedure: Use a button to exit the program
4. Submission Requirements:
a. Name your project as follows:
i. If you are in the 2:40 Class: 2YourlastnameProj2. For example: 2JonesProj2
ii. If you are in the 6:00 Class: 6YourlastnameProj2. For example : 6Bakerproj2
b. ZIP the project folder to create a ZIP file.
c. Submit the ZIP file as an attachment to an e-mail sent to: [email protected]
d. Critical: The e-mail subject must be the same as your project name. Ten (10) points will be deducted if your email does not have the required subject.