The following table gives the scores obtained by the students in a midterm test (X) and the final (Y). We want to see how well the final score can be predicted using the midterm scores.
ID. MT | Final
45 | 67
79 | 82
65 | 62
91 | 98
89 | 86
62 | 78
76 | 64
93 | 90
a) Find the summary statistics (x-bar, y-bar etc.) and use those to get SSxy, SSyy and SSxx.
b) Find the equation of the estimated regression line to predict final score using MT.
c) Predict the final score for the 1st student. How does it compare to his/her actual score?
c) Find the sample correlation coefficient.
d) Find R-Square. Interpret this quantity.
e) Find the SSE and Root MSE. Interperet those quantities. (Show all Work)