Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
Work-Related Stress Inventory76
The following statements ask about the availability of various individuals to provide support when you experience stressful problems at work or school. Please respond to each item by recording a number from the rating scale below next to each statement. Rate the support from your leader, your coworkers, and your partner/family/friends in helping you with stressful issues and events.
How much can you rely on others . . .
Emotional Support
_____ 1. . . . to help you feel better when you experience work-related problems?
_____ 2. . . . to listen to you when you need to talk about work-related problems?
_____ 3. . . . to be sympathetic and understanding about your work-related problems?
Informational Support
_____ 4. . . . to suggest ways to find out more about a work situation that is causing you problems? _____ 5. . . . to share their experiences of a work problem similar to yours?
_____ 6. . . . to provide information that helps to clarify your work-related problems?
Instrumental Support
_____ 7. . . . to give you practical assistance when you experience work-related problems?
_____ 8. . . . to spend time helping you resolve your work related problems?
_____ 9. . . . to help when things get tough at work?
Appraisal Support
_____ 10. . . . to reassure you about your ability to deal with your work-related problems?
_____ 11. . . . to acknowledge your efforts to resolve your work-related problems?
_____ 12. . . . to help you evaluate your attitudes and feelings about your work-related problems?
- Emotional support from others: Sum the points for items 1-3 _____.
- Informational support from others: Sum the points for items 4-6 _____.
- Instrumental support from others: Sum the points for items 7-9 _____.
- Appraisal support from others: Sum the totals for items 10-12 _____.
- 12 to15 points suggest you have much support for that dimension.
- 7 to 11 points suggest you have some support for that dimension.
- 3 to 6 points suggest you are on your own for that dimension.
- Overall: Sum the points for all 12 items. Total scores of 48 to 60 points suggest a pattern of strong support. Total scores of 12 to 24 points suggest a pattern of feeling isolated and alone in dealing with problems that create work-related stress. Total scores of 25-47 suggest a pattern of some or mixed support.
1. Do your scores suggest that you need to take action to lower your stress level? If "yes," what actions do you think would be most effective?
2. Of the seven competencies discussed in this book (communication, self, diversity, etc.), which three are likely to be most effective and important to you in managing your stress level? Explain