The following mechanism for the gas phase decomposition of

The following mechanism for the gas phase decomposition of oxygen difluoride is consistent with the observed rate law. 

  • step 1:    2 OF2------>  O2F4 
  • step 2:    O2F4  -----> O2 + 2 F2
  • (a) Identify the molecularity of each step in the mechanism.step 1    _________(unimolecular/bimolecular/termolecular)
  • step 2    _________(unimolecular/bimolecular/termolecular)

(b) Write the equation for the net reaction. Use the smallest integer coefficients possible. If a box is not needed, leave it blank.


(c) Identify any intemediates and/or catalysts in this mechanism.

Catalyst: Enter formula. If none, leave box blank: ______________

Intermediate: Enter formula. If none, leave box blank: ______________

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Chemistry: The following mechanism for the gas phase decomposition of
Reference No:- TGS02657884

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