
The following letter has errors in spelling proofreading

Proof read the given letter.

Grammar/Mechanics Challenge

1. The following letter has errors in spelling, proofreading, noun plurals, and sentence structure. Use your own name as the writer. Print your revision with a 1-inch margin above the letterhead. Adjust the space between the date and inside address to balance the letter on the page. Submit to your instructor. Identify this assignment. Do not print these instructions.

Cambridge, MA 02124
April 12, 200x
Ms. Rachel M. Fisher
Workplace Monthly Magazine XXXXX
Cincinnati, OH 45246

Dear Ms. Fletcher:

Thank you for giving Forrest Communication Services opportunity to contribute to the magazine article. That you are writing about Web conferencing for Workplace Monthly Magazine. My specialty here at Forest Communication is conferencing service's for North America.

Online meetings are definitely becomming more frequent. Web conferencing began in the 1990's, but it has grown rapidly in the 2000's. Many companys find that such meeting save time and money. Participants can hold live, interactive meetings and share documents and presentations. Without ever leaving their offices or homes. Web conferencing is simply more convenient then having to attend meeting in person. Let me summarize a few Web conferencing feature:
• Participant ID. This feature displays on your screen the name of all attendee's and indicates who is talking over the phone line.

• PowerPoints/Document Sharring. Presenters can show batchs of Web-based visuals and describe them by talking on the telephone.

• Polling/Surveys. A virtual "show of hands" can speed consensus and shorten a meeting.

Many users consider this feature one of the real luxurys of Web conferencing. Businessmen and businesswoman from countrys around the world are turning to Web conferances because of the many plus's and few minus's. Do you plan to discuss the pro's and con's of conferencing in your article? Our Web site has a list of FAQ's that you might find interesting. I would be happy to provide more information if you call me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.

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Other Subject: The following letter has errors in spelling proofreading
Reference No:- TGS02152681

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