
The following lab is to give you a chance to generate your

The following lab is to give you a chance to generate your own graphs and statistics using software.

Paste your graphs and statistics on this word document, use these graphs and statistics to answer a few questions, and then submit your work in Canvas.


  • Type your name at the top. If you are working with others, please type the names of everyone you are working with.
  • Save this file (to your desktop for easy access).
  • Decide which program you would like to use to complete the lab: Minitab, StatCrunch, or Data Desk.

See the Lab 1 Software Options and Guides Page in Canvas to help you decide.

  • Use the data set for the software you chose to produce the graphs and statistics asked in the questions below. Paste these graphs and statistics to this word document. The data is available in Lab 1 Software Options and Guides Page
  • Using your graphs and statistics, answer the questions in blue.
  • When you are finished, be sure to save your document. Then submit the document in the Lab 1 Assignment in Canvas.

For Problems 1 and 2.The data listed in Birth Data come from a random sample of births at a particular hospital. The variables recorded are

  • AGE of Mother -the age of the mother (in years) at the time of delivery
  • RACE -the race of the mother (White, black, other)
  • SMOKING - whether the mother smoked cigarettes or not throughout the pregnancy (smoking, no smoking)
  • BWT - the birth weight of the baby (in grams)

1. Use the Birth Data to answer parts a-c.

a. Use your software to Create a histogram of the birth weights (BWT) and paste it below.

b. Use your software to Create a boxplot of the birth weights (BWT) and paste it below.

c. Use your software to Get the statistics for the birth weights (BWT) and paste it below.

d. Using parts a-c, describe the distribution of birth weights for babies born at this hospital. (be sure to talk about shape, center, and spread)

2. Use the Birth Data to answer parts a-c.

a. Use your software to Createmultiple boxplots to compare birth weights (BWT) by the different race groups (RACE) of these mothers. Paste your graph below.

b. From your boxplots in part a, in general, which race seemed to have higher birth weights?

c. From your boxplots in part a, which race had the smallest IQR of birth weights?

For Problem 3. The data listed in Tree Data come from a random sample of  27 trees of the same species that had been cut down. A forester counted the rings to determine the ages of these trees (in years) and also measured the diameter of these trees (in inches). The forester is hoping that we could use the data to come up with a model to allow us to predict the age of a tree from it's diameter (this way we don't need to cut it down to estimate it's age).

3. Use the Tree Data to answer parts a-f.

a. Use your software to Create a scatterplot of the ages against the diameters, with Age on the y-axis and Diameter on the x-axis. Paste your scatterplot below.

b. Use your software to Find the correlation (r) between Diameter and Age and paste it below.

c. From parts a and b, do you think a linear model is appropriate for these data?

d. Use your software to Create the linear model (the regression line) and paste it below.

e. Use your model (the equation) to predict the age of a tree that has a diameter of 18 inches.

f.  In terms of age and diameter, interpret the slope of your regression line.

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Basic Statistics: The following lab is to give you a chance to generate your
Reference No:- TGS01125267

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