Please help with the questions below based on the following data:
The following information was collected on 20 randomly chosen high school students, which compared their IQ score to musical aptitude.
Row IQ Score Musical Aptitude
1 95 30
2 106 37
3 110 35
4 104 28
5 98 17
6 114 45
7 123 33
8 100 18
9 98 24
10 88 18
11 102 30
12 105 30
13 111 32
14 106 33
15 110 38
16 143 42
17 106 40
18 98 20
19 104 23
20 97 25
Descriptive statistics
Variable N Mean Median TrMean Stdev SEMean
IQScore 20 105.90 104.50 104.83 11.60 2.59
Mus Apt 20 29.90 30 29.78 8.27 1.85
Variable Min Max Q1 Q3
IQScore 88 143 98 110
Mus Apt 17 45 23.25 36.50
Regression Analysis
Predictor Coef Stdev t-ratio p
Constant -22.26 12.94 -1.72 0.102
IQScore 0.4925 0.1215
s = 6.143 R-sq = 47.7% R-sq(adj) = 44.8%
Can you tell me what is the equation of the least squares regression line that would be used to predict musical aptitude from an IQ score and a 95% confidence interval for the slope of the regression line?
Can we conclude that there is a significant relationship between IQ score and musical aptitude at α = 0.05?
What does this value of s = 6.143 in the context of the problem?