
The following flowchart is for a module to resolve a

The following flowchart is for a module to resolve a problem with a lamp. The job of this flowchart is to determine the problem causing the lamp to not work or to determine if a new lamp is needed. Review the flowchart and answer the following questions about it. If you are not sure of your answer, include in your posting any questions you have.

  1. There are 2 decisions in this flowchart. Put them in the form of a question.
  2. Under what condition(s) can a new lamp be purchased?
  3. Turn your questions from question number 1 into IF statements If (something happens)Then (do this) Else (do this)
  4. Now use your answers from number 3 to write some pseudocode. What pseudocode might match this flowchart? Be sure to try and walk through the flowchart step-by-step and follow the logic. The goal is for you to get some idea about how pseudocode is derived from flowcharts. Chapters 3 and 4 in your textbook have many examples of flowcharts and the matching pseudocode. Take a look at few, and step through the logic.

Keep in mind that all of the information you need to answer these questions is in this flowchart. Do not embellish or add anything to it. Do not add info to your answer that isn't indicated in the flowchart, just keep it simple!!

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Basic Computer Science: The following flowchart is for a module to resolve a
Reference No:- TGS02203351

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